This rather large galaxy is comprised of five separate solar systems. The initial one, Parnitha , has a single asset on the planet Tevura. You’ll be rewarded with a new War Asset - Asari Cruiser Cybaen if you scan and probe it.
Solar system number two, Orisoni , contains two assets for the taking. The first is on the planet Egalic; you’ll earn the help of the War Asset - Asari Research Ships for probing it and there’s also a fuel wreck hidden South-East of the planet Thissioni - this is worth 350 Units of Fuel .
After main quest Priority: Mars - Serpent Nebula, Apien Crest, Sigurd's Cradle, Exodus Cluster; After main quest Priority: Palaven - The Shrike Abyssal, Annos Basin, Minos Wasteland, Ismar Frontier, Hades Gamma, Kite's nest, Petra Nebula; After main quest Priority: Sur'Kesh - Krogan DMZ, Ninmah Cluster, Gemini Sigma, Horse Head Nebula. Jul 31, 2012 Sara Mitchell: The “geography” of Mass Effect is an interesting mix of realism and fiction. Some of the places that you can zoom through or visit are real astronomical objects (like the Horsehead Nebula, Eagle Nebula, and Hourglass Nebula). Many others appear to be made up entirely.
Tomaros ** also contains two secrets: the first is on planet Pronoia ** and on it you’ll recover a new War Asset - Asari Cruiser Nefrane . The second asset is a hidden fuel wreck located South of the planet Niagolon ** and it’s worth 200 Units of Fuel .
The solar system known as Vernio ** is also hiding a couple of secrets with the first being located on the Saturn lookalike planet known as Polissa ** and it is holding the Hesperia Period Statue . This statue can be taken back to the Citadel to complete the Athena Nebula: Hesperia-Period Statue side mission. Scanning the North-Eastern sector of the solar system will uncover a fuel wreck worth 400 Units of Fuel .
The final solar system in this galaxy, Laslessa ** has a really tiny planet called Trikalon ** (in the North-Eastern corner) that should be scanned and probed for a new War Asset - Asari Engineers . There’s also a hidden fuel wreck located in the Eastern side of the solar system and it’s worth 500 Units of Fuel .
There’s no Reapers near here and no assets to uncover either; just a Fuel Depot that allows you to refill your tank to the brim. Treat it as a pit-stop between galaxies.
In the Hydra ** solar system scanning the planet Canrum ** will unveil a new War Asset - Haptic Optics Array . Scanning just South of the star will reveal a fuel wreck worth 270 Units of Fuel .
Head across to the Phoenix ** solar system and whilst you’re in here, scanning to the left of the Pinnacle Station ** will highlight the station itself as well as a fuel wreck to the left. The station will yield a War Asset - Turian Spec Ops Team and the fuel wreck is worth 450 Units of Fuel . Finally, scan the nearby planet of Intai’sei for the Artifact: Fossilised Kakliosaur (which will allow you to complete the newly unlocked side mission Citadel: Kakliosaur Fossil ).
With all of the assets recovered from the Phoenix solar system, make your way to the Gorgon ** system where you can the planet Camaron ** for the War Asset - Advanced Relays (which completes all of the assets in this system).
Scanning the planet Hanalei ** will reveal a new War Asset - Dr. Jelize . You can also enter the planet Cyone ** to start the N7: Fuel Reactor mission if you’ve unlocked it by speaking with Traynor on the Normandy.
The far off solar system known as Teyolia ** holds a few secrets. If you scan in between the planets Quirezia ** and Nevos, you’ll uncover that both of them have assets hidden away. Quirezia ** holds 10,000 Credits , whilst Nevos ** holds the Artifact: Rings of Alune . Take this back to the Citadel to complete the side mission Citadel: Rings of Alune . Finally, by scanning the South Eastern corner of the solar system, you’ll reveal a fuel wreck worth 375 Units of Fuel .
On Phontes, scan the planet Dekunna ** to reveal a hidden asset there and on the neighbouring planet Oltan . Dekunna holds the Artifact: Code of the Ancients and you can take this artifact back to the Citadel to complete the side mission Dekunna: Code of the Ancients . Probing Oltan ** will add the War Asset - Elcor Flotilla to your war efforts. Finally, there’s a hidden fuel wreck if you scan the South Eastern area of the solar system and it’s worth 175 Units of Fuel .
The solar system Nahuala ** contains a new War Asset - Serrice Guard, if you scan the planet Hyetiana . Finally, scanning South West of the planet Agessia ** will reveal a hidden fuel wreck worth 250 Units of Fuel .
Kotor 2 steam achievements. Lastly in Loropi, start by scanning South East of the wreckage where you’ll reveal a fuel wreck worth 300 Units of Fuel . By scanning and probing the - hard to spot - planet of Yasilium , you’ll be rewarded with a new War Asset - Armali Sniper Unit .
On the entry to the solar system Hekate , if you scan the planet Asteria , you can probe it for a new War Asset - Alliance Frigate Hong Kong . Scanning West of the Mass Relay will reveal a fuel wreck worth 350 Units of Fuel .
The next solar system Hoplos has a couple of secrets to share with you. The first can be found by scanning the planet Kopis where you can probe the surface for The Obelisk of Karza (required to complete the side mission Hades Nexus: Obelisk of Karza on the Citadel). There’s a hidden fuel wreckage located West of the sun (close to the green outer ring). Collecting it is worth 250 Units of Fuel .
Now fly across to the solar system known as Pamyat , where inside, you should scan the planet Dobrovolski ** as it holds a new War Asset - Alliance Frigate Leipzig . Scanning South of the sun (close to the green boundary) will reveal a fuel wreck worth 100 Units of Fuel .
Finally, by scanning the planet Gei Hinnom ** in the Sheol ** system, you can collect the Prothean Sphere Artifact . Take this back to the Citadel to complete the Hades Nexus: Prothean Sphere side mission.
In the Dakka ** solar system, scan south of the planet Pragia ** for Research Data From Pragia (worth +5% to Power cooldown speed or +5% to Power damage); it also uncovers a fuel wreck worth 350 Units of Fuel .
The neighbouring solar system of Kalabasha ** holds a couple of assets: the first is found by scanning the planet Yamm ** for the War Asset - Alliance Marine Recon Unit - there’s also a hidden fuel wreck worth 300 Units of Fuel by scanning east of the sun.
Qertassi holds a secret asset on the planet Noresha; scan then probe it for the War Asset - Alliance Frigate Trafalgar . Just north of this planet there’s a hidden fuel wreck worth a whopping 50 Units of Fuel (don’t go using that all up at once)!
CommentsOk at Phaedon recommendation I am going to post the full version as a seperate thread just so the dev's know about this.Edited by hidden185, 23 January 2012 - 01:52 PM.
This rather large galaxy is comprised of five separate solar systems. The initial one, Parnitha , has a single asset on the planet Tevura. You’ll be rewarded with a new War Asset - Asari Cruiser Cybaen if you scan and probe it.
Solar system number two, Orisoni , contains two assets for the taking. The first is on the planet Egalic; you’ll earn the help of the War Asset - Asari Research Ships for probing it and there’s also a fuel wreck hidden South-East of the planet Thissioni - this is worth 350 Units of Fuel .
After main quest Priority: Mars - Serpent Nebula, Apien Crest, Sigurd's Cradle, Exodus Cluster; After main quest Priority: Palaven - The Shrike Abyssal, Annos Basin, Minos Wasteland, Ismar Frontier, Hades Gamma, Kite's nest, Petra Nebula; After main quest Priority: Sur'Kesh - Krogan DMZ, Ninmah Cluster, Gemini Sigma, Horse Head Nebula. Jul 31, 2012 Sara Mitchell: The “geography” of Mass Effect is an interesting mix of realism and fiction. Some of the places that you can zoom through or visit are real astronomical objects (like the Horsehead Nebula, Eagle Nebula, and Hourglass Nebula). Many others appear to be made up entirely.
Tomaros ** also contains two secrets: the first is on planet Pronoia ** and on it you’ll recover a new War Asset - Asari Cruiser Nefrane . The second asset is a hidden fuel wreck located South of the planet Niagolon ** and it’s worth 200 Units of Fuel .
The solar system known as Vernio ** is also hiding a couple of secrets with the first being located on the Saturn lookalike planet known as Polissa ** and it is holding the Hesperia Period Statue . This statue can be taken back to the Citadel to complete the Athena Nebula: Hesperia-Period Statue side mission. Scanning the North-Eastern sector of the solar system will uncover a fuel wreck worth 400 Units of Fuel .
The final solar system in this galaxy, Laslessa ** has a really tiny planet called Trikalon ** (in the North-Eastern corner) that should be scanned and probed for a new War Asset - Asari Engineers . There’s also a hidden fuel wreck located in the Eastern side of the solar system and it’s worth 500 Units of Fuel .
There’s no Reapers near here and no assets to uncover either; just a Fuel Depot that allows you to refill your tank to the brim. Treat it as a pit-stop between galaxies.
In the Hydra ** solar system scanning the planet Canrum ** will unveil a new War Asset - Haptic Optics Array . Scanning just South of the star will reveal a fuel wreck worth 270 Units of Fuel .
Head across to the Phoenix ** solar system and whilst you’re in here, scanning to the left of the Pinnacle Station ** will highlight the station itself as well as a fuel wreck to the left. The station will yield a War Asset - Turian Spec Ops Team and the fuel wreck is worth 450 Units of Fuel . Finally, scan the nearby planet of Intai’sei for the Artifact: Fossilised Kakliosaur (which will allow you to complete the newly unlocked side mission Citadel: Kakliosaur Fossil ).
With all of the assets recovered from the Phoenix solar system, make your way to the Gorgon ** system where you can the planet Camaron ** for the War Asset - Advanced Relays (which completes all of the assets in this system).
Scanning the planet Hanalei ** will reveal a new War Asset - Dr. Jelize . You can also enter the planet Cyone ** to start the N7: Fuel Reactor mission if you’ve unlocked it by speaking with Traynor on the Normandy.
The far off solar system known as Teyolia ** holds a few secrets. If you scan in between the planets Quirezia ** and Nevos, you’ll uncover that both of them have assets hidden away. Quirezia ** holds 10,000 Credits , whilst Nevos ** holds the Artifact: Rings of Alune . Take this back to the Citadel to complete the side mission Citadel: Rings of Alune . Finally, by scanning the South Eastern corner of the solar system, you’ll reveal a fuel wreck worth 375 Units of Fuel .
On Phontes, scan the planet Dekunna ** to reveal a hidden asset there and on the neighbouring planet Oltan . Dekunna holds the Artifact: Code of the Ancients and you can take this artifact back to the Citadel to complete the side mission Dekunna: Code of the Ancients . Probing Oltan ** will add the War Asset - Elcor Flotilla to your war efforts. Finally, there’s a hidden fuel wreck if you scan the South Eastern area of the solar system and it’s worth 175 Units of Fuel .
The solar system Nahuala ** contains a new War Asset - Serrice Guard, if you scan the planet Hyetiana . Finally, scanning South West of the planet Agessia ** will reveal a hidden fuel wreck worth 250 Units of Fuel .
Kotor 2 steam achievements. Lastly in Loropi, start by scanning South East of the wreckage where you’ll reveal a fuel wreck worth 300 Units of Fuel . By scanning and probing the - hard to spot - planet of Yasilium , you’ll be rewarded with a new War Asset - Armali Sniper Unit .
On the entry to the solar system Hekate , if you scan the planet Asteria , you can probe it for a new War Asset - Alliance Frigate Hong Kong . Scanning West of the Mass Relay will reveal a fuel wreck worth 350 Units of Fuel .
The next solar system Hoplos has a couple of secrets to share with you. The first can be found by scanning the planet Kopis where you can probe the surface for The Obelisk of Karza (required to complete the side mission Hades Nexus: Obelisk of Karza on the Citadel). There’s a hidden fuel wreckage located West of the sun (close to the green outer ring). Collecting it is worth 250 Units of Fuel .
Now fly across to the solar system known as Pamyat , where inside, you should scan the planet Dobrovolski ** as it holds a new War Asset - Alliance Frigate Leipzig . Scanning South of the sun (close to the green boundary) will reveal a fuel wreck worth 100 Units of Fuel .
Finally, by scanning the planet Gei Hinnom ** in the Sheol ** system, you can collect the Prothean Sphere Artifact . Take this back to the Citadel to complete the Hades Nexus: Prothean Sphere side mission.
In the Dakka ** solar system, scan south of the planet Pragia ** for Research Data From Pragia (worth +5% to Power cooldown speed or +5% to Power damage); it also uncovers a fuel wreck worth 350 Units of Fuel .
The neighbouring solar system of Kalabasha ** holds a couple of assets: the first is found by scanning the planet Yamm ** for the War Asset - Alliance Marine Recon Unit - there’s also a hidden fuel wreck worth 300 Units of Fuel by scanning east of the sun.
Qertassi holds a secret asset on the planet Noresha; scan then probe it for the War Asset - Alliance Frigate Trafalgar . Just north of this planet there’s a hidden fuel wreck worth a whopping 50 Units of Fuel (don’t go using that all up at once)!
CommentsOk at Phaedon recommendation I am going to post the full version as a seperate thread just so the dev's know about this.Edited by hidden185, 23 January 2012 - 01:52 PM.