
World Of Warcraft Skybox

Blizzcon2017 BFA Announcement - Blood Moon Skybox -World of Warcraft. LV 80 Interview - How to Create Skies for 3D Games. Argus - Raid - Skybox - Titans' Pantheon - World of Warcraft. Argus is probably the coolest project I've worked on so far at Blizzard. As the initial environment point person, I worked closely with many other talented artists and designers from concept to finish. In order to illustrate the massive landscape of.

Hi All

My own personal opinion based 'MMORPG championship 2019' continues with match 3: World of Warcraft VS Runescape 3.

Video: https://youtu.be/OQLzY6rW4jA

For those that don't want to watch, here's the round breakdowns:

GRAPHICS AND STYLE: Runescape 3 has made great strides in recent years with the new graphics engine, and the improved textures and skybox do make the game look lovely, but warcraft achieved something monumental, it created and then stole a graphics style, no game can look blocky or chunky without being called a wow clone, and becoming so strongly known for style you become that styles owner, is impressive.


THE LEVELING PROCESS: World of warcraft is all about the endgame, and while the leveling from 1 – 120 may be quick, it's not immensely fun, but Runescape is all about the leveling, the game is literally getting from 1 to max, and for this reason, it wins.


STORY AND LORE: Runescape 3 does have an impressive amount of story and lore within it and the 'godwars' storyline is still one of my favorite in any game, and i've read all the novels, but warcraft is on another level when it comes to history and ingame lore, books, comics, games and a Hollywood film, no one beats wow for lore.

STORY AND LORE WINNER: World of Warcraft.

COMBAT MECHANICS: I like Runescapes old combat system, the click and wait, tick-manipulation wasn't complex but it was beautiful in its simplicity, warcraft however excelled in complexity, with so many unique elements for each class. But, the newer updated, which seek to make runescape more complex with action abilities, and dumb wow down by pruning class choices, mean both combat styles meet somewhat in the luke-warm middle, away from what made them great, and for this reason, the combat round ends in a draw.


DUNGEONS AND RAIDS: Runescape not only has some great PVE encounters, but an entire skill called dungeoneering it dedicates to the art of diving into a randomly generated dungeons and using all your skills to survive, and I personally really enjoy it.

World of Warcraft however, boasts 100+ dungeons, 43 raids and some of the highest quality pve encounters of all time.


PLAYER VS PLAYER: World of Warcraft has war mode, fight anyone from the other faction anytime, and I enjoy the feeling of faction pride this brings, while battlegrounds may be lacking, the feeling of 'Horde VS Alliance' is alive and well.

Runescape killed 'darkscape', and this, I cannot forgive.

Trouble is when trying to mesh the sequence, it did one frame and RF10.5 closed. Strange how the connect plugin, isn't compatible with as many versions of Max as it used to beAnother thing I tried was Alembic, but had to find an Alembic import plugin for Max 2014, since it never did get support for it. Load mesh realflow max 2018 release. Well I tried installing to Max 2014 root as you suggested, just got a bunch of errors trying to write to the plugins folder and far as I can see, none of the files it is trying to write are already installed and I checked and the the plugin folder it not write protectedSure, there is no guarantee that the bin files from RF10.5, will load into Max 2014. However being a standalone version, I have no idea if it cares what version of modelling program you want to load them into. On trying to mesh a single frame, to Alembic, that worked, but when I tried to import it, i got an errorAnyway I'm gonna cook dinner now.


WINNER: World of Warcraft.

Both are giants in the mmorpg world, and while both have strayed from what they started as, OSRS and WOW Classic are just around the corner, the live versions of the games however, wow remains the king.

Source: Original link

  • Lesser-known WoW music.

    Hi All, We all have our favourite WoW music (mine is Storm peaks) and usually when the question is asked, 'What's your favourite WoW music?' people reply: Ashenvale, Dalaran, Invincible etc. Rightfully so since these tracks play such a memorable role in the WoW experience. I wanted to try something a bit different and give…

  • Perfect World MMORPG

    Perfect World (or 完美世界, commonly abbreviated as PW), is a 3D adventure and fantasy MMORPG with traditional Chinese settings. The franchise is easily recognisable especially in Southeast Asia, as it is one of the most popular and recognisable IP from China. With the original title first debuted in 2006, Perfect World now has more than…

  • WoW needs more mundane villains

    I was thinking about the “big bads” of WoW and for some time we’ve been fighting against all-powerful, world-ending and supernatural threats: ​ - A Legion of demons from multiple worlds, lead by a fallen god, that have been going around the cosmos for ages annihilating or assimilating entire planets. - Remnants / corrupted /…

© Post 'MMORPG Championship 2019 – Match 3 – World of Warcraft VS Runescape 3 [Video link in post] [xpost from wow]' for game Gaming News.

Top 10 Most Anticipated Video Games of 2020

2020 will have something to satisfy classic and modern gamers alike. To be eligible for the list, the game must be confirmed for 2020, or there should be good reason to expect its release in that year. Therefore, upcoming games with a mere announcement and no discernible release date will not be included.

Top 15 NEW Games of 2020 [FIRST HALF]

2020 has a ton to look forward to..in the video gaming world. Here are fifteen games we're looking forward to in the first half of 2020.

Looking for some great Classic WoW addons? One of the features that has changed dramatically since World of Warcraft launched nearly 16 years ago is how much players are willing to alter the basic user interface to streamline the experience and eradicate even the smallest inconveniences.

In vanilla WoW, player additions to how WoW looked and gave them feedback and information were very limited. Some offered a svelte way to report additional information across the top or bottom of the screen. Others provided small, discreet windows with additional displays, whether they were for specific Classic WoW classes, or to track an item that was obscured in the default UI.

Today players tweak nearly every part of the game’s interface. All-in-one packages such as ElvUI change everything from the minimap and spell bars, to damage and healing numbers, and even the chat logs. Some of that is because WoW’s default UI is in desperate need of an overhaul, given that modern principles of usability weren’t pervasive 16 years ago. Some is because today’s Warcraft players are more familiar with the game and technically savvy about what mods can do and how to install them.

The good news for modern players returning to Classic WoW is that addons now exist to provide at least a few contemporary conveniences to the original version of the game. While nothing will provide all the quality of life improvements WoW itself has added over the years to one of the best MMOs of all time, these will give you a few important windows into modern life – nostalgia ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.

Here are a few of our favourites:


Deadly Boss Mods is a must-have WoW addon for 2020 players who participate in group dungeon and raid content, so we’re grateful there’s a WoW Classic addon version. It gives you warnings for events that are happening during boss-fight encounters, timers for when the next events in the fight are going to happen, and advice for what to do as a result.

DBM-Classic comes with voice packs in English, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and Korean along with a couple of packs spliced together from celebrity voice tracks. It includes timers and information for the five-man dungeons Deadmines, Wailing Caverns, Shadowfang Keep, The Stockade, Ragefire Chasm, Blackfathom Deeps, Razorfen Kraul, Razorfen Downs, Gnomeregan, Uldaman, Scarlet Monastery, and Zul’Farrak. The developer notes that functionality for the vanilla WoW raids has been built, but couldn’t be tested during the Classic Beta due to level caps.

Auctionator Classic

This simple addon for the WoW Classic Auction House won’t help newcomers, but will save trade veterans a lot of time and effort by simplifying inputs, searches, and letting you spam the buy button to purchase in bulk. If you plan on making a lot of gold through the AH then this is a great time-saving WoW Classic addon.


Questie attempts to provide one of the most useful features of modern WoW’s map UI: the ability to see where quest objectives and turn-ins are located. This WoW Classic addon is still a bit of a work in progress, but it solves one of the most frustrating aspects of Classic WoW. Quest descriptions in vanilla varied widely in their wayfinding tips, so sometimes the area where the thing you were supposed to find/kill/collect wasn’t immediately obvious.

More help in vanilla: Here’s our Classic WoW leveling guide

In addition, Questie attempts to add tooltips to quest-related mobs (also like modern WoW) and to show quests that are available and not yet completed by you. It’s an essential mod for Classic players.


OmniCC is a lightweight little mod that adds digital countdowns to pretty much everything that has a cooldown in World of Warcraft: your spells, your abilities, even items in your inventory. Providing much more specific information than the traditional analog timer sweep in Classic, this vanilla WoW addon allows you to make intelligent decisions about what you can do next when you’re in a fight.

Terms Often used to search for (CASL™) Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language. Comprehensive assessment of spoken language, casl assessment, casl 2 assessment, manual, subtests, sample report, review. The Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language–Second Edition is the most up-to-date measure of oral language skills available. It offers the flexibility of 14 stand-alone tests in one comprehensive yet specific battery. Comprehensive assessment of spoken language 2 sample report. The ability to use language for special tasks requiring higher level cognitive functions, the knowledge and use of language in communicative contexts” (p. Further, the author states that CASL can be used to: identify language disorders, diagnose and intervene in spoken language, monitor growth, and conduct research. The Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language (CASL) (Examiner)First M. Last, (title) Date of Report: ##/##/#### Description of Assessment The Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language (CASL) is a norm-referenced oral language assessment. It provides a thorough evaluation regarding the processes of comprehension, expression, and retrieval. Age-based and grade-based standard scores (M = 100, SD = 15), grade and test-age equivalents, percentiles, normal curve equivalents (NCEs), and stanines. Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language (CASL) is an individually and orally administered, research-based, theory-driven oral language assessment battery for ages 3 through 21.

It turns out that the Live version of OmniCC works perfectly in Classic, so a helpful developer dressed it up and reposted it for vanilla players. As a note, this means that you can download the current version as well, if you like, as long as you enable out-of-date addons in Classic WoW (so that the version number doesn’t trip up your install.


The features of Details! remain largely the same from Live to Classic. The video below shows the basic features of this incredibly deep combat damage and healing information gathering and display mod.

Back in the day you could raid every instance available in Vanilla WoW, including original Naxxramas, and somehow make it through without a damage meter. But we’d rather not have to go through that again today: so much of min-maxing your character in Live is about figuring out how to better yourself by seeing what works and what doesn’t, and you don’t have to give up that information in WoW Classic thanks to this addon.

More guides:Our rundown of the best Classic WoW Professions

Details! is a common, complete damage-and-healing meter in the current game, and this is the Classic version. It collects all information available from the combat logs from the game and presents them in a legible easy bar-chart format, either for an overall encounter or for a particular ‘segment’ or boss fight. You can drill in on a particular character to see what they cast and where their damage came from, which is useful if you’re not keeping up, or are leading a raid and want to understand why one person is performing well or poorly.

Leatrix Plus

Leatrix Plus is an incredibly convenient collection of quality of life improvements. You’ll have to head over to the Leatrix Plus mod page for the full list, but some of the features include automatic junk selling, a customisable minimap, visible durability status, cooldowns, and free bag slots. It also includes automatic stand and dismount so you don’t get prevented from casting, faster looting, and auto-accept on quests, summons, and resurrection.

Exorsus Raid Tools

This addon is a must for raiders, particularly raid leaders. It contains several different modules to provide a wealth of information on the raid, including all the cooldowns, the fight logs, status of battle resurrection, a timer, and a useful note section to send helpful information and/or furious chastisement to all raid members. Exorsus Raid Tools also allows you to inspect all the raid members and check them for buffs to make sure everyone is present and correct.


World Of Warcraft Skybox

Blizzcon2017 BFA Announcement - Blood Moon Skybox -World of Warcraft. LV 80 Interview - How to Create Skies for 3D Games. Argus - Raid - Skybox - Titans' Pantheon - World of Warcraft. Argus is probably the coolest project I've worked on so far at Blizzard. As the initial environment point person, I worked closely with many other talented artists and designers from concept to finish. In order to illustrate the massive landscape of.

Hi All

My own personal opinion based 'MMORPG championship 2019' continues with match 3: World of Warcraft VS Runescape 3.

Video: https://youtu.be/OQLzY6rW4jA

For those that don't want to watch, here's the round breakdowns:

GRAPHICS AND STYLE: Runescape 3 has made great strides in recent years with the new graphics engine, and the improved textures and skybox do make the game look lovely, but warcraft achieved something monumental, it created and then stole a graphics style, no game can look blocky or chunky without being called a wow clone, and becoming so strongly known for style you become that styles owner, is impressive.


THE LEVELING PROCESS: World of warcraft is all about the endgame, and while the leveling from 1 – 120 may be quick, it's not immensely fun, but Runescape is all about the leveling, the game is literally getting from 1 to max, and for this reason, it wins.


STORY AND LORE: Runescape 3 does have an impressive amount of story and lore within it and the 'godwars' storyline is still one of my favorite in any game, and i've read all the novels, but warcraft is on another level when it comes to history and ingame lore, books, comics, games and a Hollywood film, no one beats wow for lore.

STORY AND LORE WINNER: World of Warcraft.

COMBAT MECHANICS: I like Runescapes old combat system, the click and wait, tick-manipulation wasn't complex but it was beautiful in its simplicity, warcraft however excelled in complexity, with so many unique elements for each class. But, the newer updated, which seek to make runescape more complex with action abilities, and dumb wow down by pruning class choices, mean both combat styles meet somewhat in the luke-warm middle, away from what made them great, and for this reason, the combat round ends in a draw.


DUNGEONS AND RAIDS: Runescape not only has some great PVE encounters, but an entire skill called dungeoneering it dedicates to the art of diving into a randomly generated dungeons and using all your skills to survive, and I personally really enjoy it.

World of Warcraft however, boasts 100+ dungeons, 43 raids and some of the highest quality pve encounters of all time.


PLAYER VS PLAYER: World of Warcraft has war mode, fight anyone from the other faction anytime, and I enjoy the feeling of faction pride this brings, while battlegrounds may be lacking, the feeling of 'Horde VS Alliance' is alive and well.

Runescape killed 'darkscape', and this, I cannot forgive.

Trouble is when trying to mesh the sequence, it did one frame and RF10.5 closed. Strange how the connect plugin, isn't compatible with as many versions of Max as it used to beAnother thing I tried was Alembic, but had to find an Alembic import plugin for Max 2014, since it never did get support for it. Load mesh realflow max 2018 release. Well I tried installing to Max 2014 root as you suggested, just got a bunch of errors trying to write to the plugins folder and far as I can see, none of the files it is trying to write are already installed and I checked and the the plugin folder it not write protectedSure, there is no guarantee that the bin files from RF10.5, will load into Max 2014. However being a standalone version, I have no idea if it cares what version of modelling program you want to load them into. On trying to mesh a single frame, to Alembic, that worked, but when I tried to import it, i got an errorAnyway I'm gonna cook dinner now.


WINNER: World of Warcraft.

Both are giants in the mmorpg world, and while both have strayed from what they started as, OSRS and WOW Classic are just around the corner, the live versions of the games however, wow remains the king.

Source: Original link

  • Lesser-known WoW music.

    Hi All, We all have our favourite WoW music (mine is Storm peaks) and usually when the question is asked, 'What's your favourite WoW music?' people reply: Ashenvale, Dalaran, Invincible etc. Rightfully so since these tracks play such a memorable role in the WoW experience. I wanted to try something a bit different and give…

  • Perfect World MMORPG

    Perfect World (or 完美世界, commonly abbreviated as PW), is a 3D adventure and fantasy MMORPG with traditional Chinese settings. The franchise is easily recognisable especially in Southeast Asia, as it is one of the most popular and recognisable IP from China. With the original title first debuted in 2006, Perfect World now has more than…

  • WoW needs more mundane villains

    I was thinking about the “big bads” of WoW and for some time we’ve been fighting against all-powerful, world-ending and supernatural threats: ​ - A Legion of demons from multiple worlds, lead by a fallen god, that have been going around the cosmos for ages annihilating or assimilating entire planets. - Remnants / corrupted /…

© Post 'MMORPG Championship 2019 – Match 3 – World of Warcraft VS Runescape 3 [Video link in post] [xpost from wow]' for game Gaming News.

Top 10 Most Anticipated Video Games of 2020

2020 will have something to satisfy classic and modern gamers alike. To be eligible for the list, the game must be confirmed for 2020, or there should be good reason to expect its release in that year. Therefore, upcoming games with a mere announcement and no discernible release date will not be included.

Top 15 NEW Games of 2020 [FIRST HALF]

2020 has a ton to look forward to..in the video gaming world. Here are fifteen games we're looking forward to in the first half of 2020.

Looking for some great Classic WoW addons? One of the features that has changed dramatically since World of Warcraft launched nearly 16 years ago is how much players are willing to alter the basic user interface to streamline the experience and eradicate even the smallest inconveniences.

In vanilla WoW, player additions to how WoW looked and gave them feedback and information were very limited. Some offered a svelte way to report additional information across the top or bottom of the screen. Others provided small, discreet windows with additional displays, whether they were for specific Classic WoW classes, or to track an item that was obscured in the default UI.

Today players tweak nearly every part of the game’s interface. All-in-one packages such as ElvUI change everything from the minimap and spell bars, to damage and healing numbers, and even the chat logs. Some of that is because WoW’s default UI is in desperate need of an overhaul, given that modern principles of usability weren’t pervasive 16 years ago. Some is because today’s Warcraft players are more familiar with the game and technically savvy about what mods can do and how to install them.

The good news for modern players returning to Classic WoW is that addons now exist to provide at least a few contemporary conveniences to the original version of the game. While nothing will provide all the quality of life improvements WoW itself has added over the years to one of the best MMOs of all time, these will give you a few important windows into modern life – nostalgia ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.

Here are a few of our favourites:


Deadly Boss Mods is a must-have WoW addon for 2020 players who participate in group dungeon and raid content, so we’re grateful there’s a WoW Classic addon version. It gives you warnings for events that are happening during boss-fight encounters, timers for when the next events in the fight are going to happen, and advice for what to do as a result.

DBM-Classic comes with voice packs in English, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and Korean along with a couple of packs spliced together from celebrity voice tracks. It includes timers and information for the five-man dungeons Deadmines, Wailing Caverns, Shadowfang Keep, The Stockade, Ragefire Chasm, Blackfathom Deeps, Razorfen Kraul, Razorfen Downs, Gnomeregan, Uldaman, Scarlet Monastery, and Zul’Farrak. The developer notes that functionality for the vanilla WoW raids has been built, but couldn’t be tested during the Classic Beta due to level caps.

Auctionator Classic

This simple addon for the WoW Classic Auction House won’t help newcomers, but will save trade veterans a lot of time and effort by simplifying inputs, searches, and letting you spam the buy button to purchase in bulk. If you plan on making a lot of gold through the AH then this is a great time-saving WoW Classic addon.


Questie attempts to provide one of the most useful features of modern WoW’s map UI: the ability to see where quest objectives and turn-ins are located. This WoW Classic addon is still a bit of a work in progress, but it solves one of the most frustrating aspects of Classic WoW. Quest descriptions in vanilla varied widely in their wayfinding tips, so sometimes the area where the thing you were supposed to find/kill/collect wasn’t immediately obvious.

More help in vanilla: Here’s our Classic WoW leveling guide

In addition, Questie attempts to add tooltips to quest-related mobs (also like modern WoW) and to show quests that are available and not yet completed by you. It’s an essential mod for Classic players.


OmniCC is a lightweight little mod that adds digital countdowns to pretty much everything that has a cooldown in World of Warcraft: your spells, your abilities, even items in your inventory. Providing much more specific information than the traditional analog timer sweep in Classic, this vanilla WoW addon allows you to make intelligent decisions about what you can do next when you’re in a fight.

Terms Often used to search for (CASL™) Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language. Comprehensive assessment of spoken language, casl assessment, casl 2 assessment, manual, subtests, sample report, review. The Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language–Second Edition is the most up-to-date measure of oral language skills available. It offers the flexibility of 14 stand-alone tests in one comprehensive yet specific battery. Comprehensive assessment of spoken language 2 sample report. The ability to use language for special tasks requiring higher level cognitive functions, the knowledge and use of language in communicative contexts” (p. Further, the author states that CASL can be used to: identify language disorders, diagnose and intervene in spoken language, monitor growth, and conduct research. The Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language (CASL) (Examiner)First M. Last, (title) Date of Report: ##/##/#### Description of Assessment The Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language (CASL) is a norm-referenced oral language assessment. It provides a thorough evaluation regarding the processes of comprehension, expression, and retrieval. Age-based and grade-based standard scores (M = 100, SD = 15), grade and test-age equivalents, percentiles, normal curve equivalents (NCEs), and stanines. Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language (CASL) is an individually and orally administered, research-based, theory-driven oral language assessment battery for ages 3 through 21.

It turns out that the Live version of OmniCC works perfectly in Classic, so a helpful developer dressed it up and reposted it for vanilla players. As a note, this means that you can download the current version as well, if you like, as long as you enable out-of-date addons in Classic WoW (so that the version number doesn’t trip up your install.


The features of Details! remain largely the same from Live to Classic. The video below shows the basic features of this incredibly deep combat damage and healing information gathering and display mod.

Back in the day you could raid every instance available in Vanilla WoW, including original Naxxramas, and somehow make it through without a damage meter. But we’d rather not have to go through that again today: so much of min-maxing your character in Live is about figuring out how to better yourself by seeing what works and what doesn’t, and you don’t have to give up that information in WoW Classic thanks to this addon.

More guides:Our rundown of the best Classic WoW Professions

Details! is a common, complete damage-and-healing meter in the current game, and this is the Classic version. It collects all information available from the combat logs from the game and presents them in a legible easy bar-chart format, either for an overall encounter or for a particular ‘segment’ or boss fight. You can drill in on a particular character to see what they cast and where their damage came from, which is useful if you’re not keeping up, or are leading a raid and want to understand why one person is performing well or poorly.

Leatrix Plus

Leatrix Plus is an incredibly convenient collection of quality of life improvements. You’ll have to head over to the Leatrix Plus mod page for the full list, but some of the features include automatic junk selling, a customisable minimap, visible durability status, cooldowns, and free bag slots. It also includes automatic stand and dismount so you don’t get prevented from casting, faster looting, and auto-accept on quests, summons, and resurrection.

Exorsus Raid Tools

This addon is a must for raiders, particularly raid leaders. It contains several different modules to provide a wealth of information on the raid, including all the cooldowns, the fight logs, status of battle resurrection, a timer, and a useful note section to send helpful information and/or furious chastisement to all raid members. Exorsus Raid Tools also allows you to inspect all the raid members and check them for buffs to make sure everyone is present and correct.